This time around I didn’t see any of the Grady P.D. patrolling the streets, although I did make sure I drove legally (or somewhat close to legally). Grady has a few old buildings lined up off of Hwy. 65, including an old building that looked perhaps like it might have one time been a train station. A weathered sign was propped up that said “Grady Public Library,” but the ravages of time left most of the sign unreadable (sadly ironic for a sign promoting a library).
It didn’t look like the library has seen any recent use, especially with the deep bed of moss growing in front of the door like a mass of green shag carpeting.
The paint along the building was flaking and peeling. If this had been a library once, it doesn’t appear that anyone has checked it out in years.
Just about 30 feet away was an old metal building, with the Grady water tower rising up above…
And just down the road was the small town of Gould. I drove around there and stopped at a few places for some quick pictures. The picture of this old store was taken while looking out the passenger side window of the car (and is the only shot that didn’t accidentally include part of the window in it).
I lol'ed at the "no one has checked it out in years." I love these shots Brian. The mossy one is really cool.
dude i can't believe you were so close to my house and i was gone out of town...
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