A few weeks back I drove up Hwy. 7 and met up with Zack Andrews, a great friend and a great photographer. We drove around the Ozarks, searching for some interesting things to photograph. We went into the woods and found this old abandoned home, which still had some furniture sitting out on the collapsing front porch.
I peeked inside, which probably wasn't the wisest choice since the floor let out a startling creak when I stepped on the rotten wooden boards. I hurried to get this picture of an old sofa before heading back out to safer ground.
We drove on and crossed the Little Buffalo River and then went to a small overlook that provided this view. The Little Buffalo River runs on the opposide side of this field, just behind the line of trees.
I had the infrared camera with me so I got a few shots:
A bit later we stopped by this field, which had this lone tree standing tall amongst the pasture grasses.
From there we headed down into the amazingly scenic and historic Boxley Valley, which easily ranks as one of the prettiest places in the state of Arkansas. We stopped by this old barn, which I know I've shot tons of pictures of already but I think it's my favorite old barn in the Ozarks.
The barn was built in the 1920s and sits next to a spring that people still use as a source of drinking water.
We got back in the car and passed by the historic Boxley Baptist Church, which was built in 1899. Late evening light was streaming through the valley and illuminating the mountains behind the church.
We did walk over to the Buffalo River, which was showing off some deep turquoise waters. The bluish tint in the water is from dissolved limestone.
The next day, after some hiking we were driving around and visited a spot along the river called The Blue Hole. There was a little overlook, so I got this picture with the infrared camera.
And then one last shot from along the Buffalo River, as the sun lit up the trees along the bluffs. While we were there, a few people in kayaks drifted by.