Thursday, June 13, 2024

Weathered And Rusty

It was warm and muggy as I headed out towards the Delta, driving down some lonely country roads that passed through fields of soybeans. I was trying to find a few places I had spotted on Google Maps that I thought might be some interesting abandoned churches. But alas, it just turns out they were regular churches that were still open. But along the way, I did drive by this neat old abandoned house.


I tried to get a few pictures of the weathered boards on the front porch but was nervous to get too close. There were dozens of wasp nests on the porch with lots of annoyed wasps buzzing around them.



On my way back home I passed by this old cotton gin, rusting away in the June humidity.



I wonder what the bell was used for?


And before heading home I made one last stop at this old abandoned house. I also didn't want to get too close, since it looked like it was protected by a thick moat of poison ivy and poison oak.



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