When I got there it was still busy. There were a bunch of construction workers and trucks around - the city was redoing the sidewalks. I parked and managed to get a few quick pictures without hopefully getting too much in their way. But what caught my attention was this quaint old house, sitting in front of the hulking edifice of the old VA hospital. The hospital closed a long time ago, and the building had been empty for awhile. It's currently being turned into apartments.

Not too far away is a wooden carving of the Lorax, from the Dr. Seuss book. Carved below is the word "UNLESS," which is from a famous quote in the book: "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." Which seems really fitting in this bizarre new world we see ourselves in now, as National Park rangers are being cruelly and needlessly fired and millions of acres of National Forest lands are being offered up for destruction. It's really heartbreaking.

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