Monday, July 29, 2024

Road Trip: Durango

From Silverton, we headed south through the San Juan Mountains towards Durango. It's an amazingly scenic drive.


The road to Durango goes (Durangoes?) over two mountain passes. We stopped at Molas Pass, which sits at an elevation of 10,970 feet. The view from the pass was spectacular.





We spent a few days in Durango, and it is a neat mountain town. It has a compact and busy downtown that was filled with lots of bars, restaurants and touristy shops. One of the most famous older buildings in Durango is the Strater Hotel, which was built in 1887.


We weren't fancy enough to stay in the Strater Hotel. We ended up staying in a place just a few minutes from downtown, but just far enough away for us to see some wildlife, including this deer. These photos were actually taken while looking out the window.



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