Thursday, August 24, 2023

Blanchard Springs Caverns

On one of the last weekends of the summer break, Jonah and I drove up into the Ozarks and visited Blanchard Springs Caverns. It is a nice place to visit in the dog days of August. It might be 100 degrees outside, but in the cave it's a nice and chill 58 degrees.

The Depths

Blanchard Springs is the largest cave in Arkansas, and features massive stalactites, stalagmites, columns and flowstones. It's thought that some of these formations began over a million years ago. Also in the cave are these delicate and fragile "soda straw" formations.


It's not the easiest place to take pictures, since it's a dark cave deep underground. During the tour you obviously can't stop and take pictures with a tripod, so I did the best of what my old camera (and Iphone) could handle. They used to do photographer tours in the cave back before Covid, hopefully they will start those back up again soon.


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