Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fletcher Creek

Autumn is very slowly beginning to creep into Little Rock, although you wouldn't guess it based on the temperature (all-time high today of 98 degrees). But a few trees are starting to show some fall colors, a few weeks before they usually reach their peak. This leaf fell by my office, and I snapped a quick picture of it while on break.


My work is located far out in the suburbs of west Little Rock, and one day after work I headed out to take a few pictures in the rural lands that sit just beyond the city limits. It's amazing that you can find some great hidden spots, all just a quick drive from the city. There is an old covered bridge that is just a short drive from my work, located above the quiet Fletcher Creek.


Down the road is an old church, the Walnut Valley Methodist Church. It was built in 1885, and has been completely restored.


Although the Little Rock suburbs have been steadily encroaching, this area still has a rural feel to it. That all will change, unfortunately. A new development has been planned for this area, which will place 266 homes in a 154-acre subdivision. The development will completely wreck the peaceful valley, knocking down the thick forest and polluting the creek. There is still a chance that the subdivision plans will be denied, and the homes moved to an area that would be a better fit for a large subdivision.

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