Thursday, December 29, 2011


After spending all of last weekend with family, I headed home on Monday. While driving along Hwy. 22 in Logan County, I passed by the old Subiaco Abbey and Academy, outside of Paris (the one in Arkansas, not France). It is a grand old building, perched right on the top of a hill. Subiaco looks very old and imposing, and the buildings here are home to a school. I admit that I know next to nothing about Subiaco's school or its history. So I'm just going to assume that it's something like Hogwarts.

I've passed by Subiaco countless times before and had always meant to get a picture of. Luckily, I had the camera with me, so I stopped for a few shots. It was cold day, with a heavy rain falling. But I tried to keep most of the raindrops off of the lens and stood alongside a dirt road to get a few shots. This was taken next to the pastures that surround the main buildings, which have a nice collection of old barns:

I followed the dirt road for a bit, which had turned into a muddy soup after all of the rain. My car quickly turned brown as it became caked in mud. The road passed by a few houses, and I made a quick stop at this old barn. It has definitely seen better days...

I turned around and got back onto the main road. The rain was still falling heavily, which managed to wash off most of the mud by the time I got home...

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