Sunday, March 9, 2025


Last weekend was the Mardi Gras parade along Main Street in the SOMA area of Little Rock. We were actually able to participate this time, riding along on the float for the Paper Hearts Bookstore (the kids seemed to love it). Before the start of the parade, all the floats had to line up and wait. We were parked along a side street in the Pettaway neighborhood, and as we waited I saw something that looked like it might make for a decent picture. So I returned a few days later, when hopefully the street wouldn't be so crowded with parade floats and marching bands.

When I got there it was still busy. There were a bunch of construction workers and trucks around - the city was redoing the sidewalks. I parked and managed to get a few quick pictures without hopefully getting too much in their way. But what caught my attention was this quaint old house, sitting in front of the hulking edifice of the old VA hospital. The hospital closed a long time ago, and the building had been empty for awhile. It's currently being turned into apartments.


Not too far away is a wooden carving of the Lorax, from the Dr. Seuss book. Carved below is the word "UNLESS," which is from a famous quote in the book: "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." Which seems really fitting in this bizarre new world we see ourselves in now, as National Park rangers are being cruelly and needlessly fired and millions of acres of National Forest lands are being offered up for destruction. It's really heartbreaking.


Friday, February 28, 2025


The small town of Scott sits just east of Little Rock, on the edge of the Delta. But despite it sitting so close to the state's largest city, it still feels like it belongs in the past. There are many old and historic buildings here, including several old farm buildings. Like this old silo that was bathed in golden light from the setting sun, reflected in a rain puddle.


There is also a nice collection of older buildings all gathered together here at the Scott Plantation Settlement. The settlement started in the 1990s, when numerous old buildings from the surrounding area were moved and placed here to form an outdoor museum. The settlement includes a plantation "big house," a dogtrot house, a blacksmith shop, a smoke house, a cotton pen, a corn crib, a church, a school, a tenant house, and even an outhouse (not sure if it's functional or not). Also included here is the old Scott train station, which was built in 1911. It was built for the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company as part of the Cotton Belt Route, and served passengers until 1929. After that the station briefly served passengers again in the 1970s when it was used for a tourist excursion train. The station was moved here from its original location, and now it's the visitor center for the museum.

It is a neat old building, and also a good spot for an attempt at a star trail photograph. So I set up the tripod and the camera, and started taking pictures after it got dark. Scott was an ideal place to do star trails, there isn't that much light pollution. And there was cell phone service, so I was able to watch the FC Dallas season opener on my phone while the camera was taking a bunch of pictures (and good news, FCD beat Houston 2-1).

And here is the final result. This is the combination of over 200 pictures, taken over the course of two hours:


Monday, February 17, 2025

The Fog Is Getting Thicker...

The fog from that morning got thicker as the day went on, and by evening there was hardly any visibility. Which was, of course, perfect time to get out and take pictures again. After getting both kids to bed I hurried over to the Big Dam Bridge.


It was a little eerie to see the bridge seem to fade out and disappear into the fog.



Despite the thick fog, there were still several people out walking on the bridge.


As I was standing here taking photos, a loud siren started to blare. I'm not going to lie, it was a bit startling. I may or may not have jumped and did a little scream. Apparently it's a warning to boaters (which there weren't any) that water was about to released from the dam.


I walked away from the siren, and followed the bridge as it passed over the Murray Lock. From here, the buildings and lights drifted off into the foggy expanse of the river.


And one last shot from the bridge, as the fog swallowed and enveloped the night.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Lunch Break Photos

Fog and photography are a great mix. And one morning last week had some thick fog, the perfect for going out into the woods to take pictures. But of course, it was a weekday and I had to go to the office for work. But I grabbed the camera anyways, with the hope that the fog would stick around until my lunch break.

I had a hard time paying attention at work since I was constantly checking outside to make sure the fog hadn't dissipated. And when lunch time rolled around I was pleased to see it was still foggy, and I happily ran out of work like Fred Flintstone. My work is in the far reaches of west Little Rock, so I headed out to a few places nearby. But while the fog was thick around the office, unfortunately it started to slack off as soon as I drove out.

But I was out with the camera, so I tried to take a few pictures anyways.


And then I stopped to get a picture at this covered bridge, which is a neat spot even if there wasn't any fog. After that I turned around and made it back to the office before the lunch break ended.


Friday, February 7, 2025

Pine Bluff - Part 2

I was still taking pictures in downtown Pine Bluff when another train whistle shattered the quiet morning air, so I hurried back over to the train station. I had another idea for a composition there and just needed another train to pass by. So I got to the station, set up the tripod and the camera. I got the focus set just as the last car on the train (with perfect comedic timing) hurried down the tracks.


I gathered all the camera stuff back up and went back to the car. I drove around downtown, passing by this old building. It looks like it's being used as a restaurant (The Duck Inn Chateau). I'm assuming that they offer cheese and quackery on the menu.


And then a stop here as well:


After that I went by this sort of alley, which ran behind several old buildings. The backsides of the buildings were full of interesting colors, textures and details.







Then I went by Saenger Theater, which was at one time one of the most opulent buildings in the city. The theater was built in 1924 and was called the "Showplace of the South."


The theater closed in 1975, and has been left empty and alone for a few decades since. It's a beautiful old building that is full of history.

IMG_0888 opulent

Next door to the theater is an old building which looks like it has been left abandoned for awhile. The doors and windows are covered with boards that have been painted to look like doors and windows.


And then I heard another train whistle. So I again packed everything up and made the return trip to the old train station. This time I arrived just as another freight train was passing by the station. I managed to get the camera and everything set up in time to get a few pictures, this time with the passing train reflected in a window.


There must have been some sort of traffic jam on the rail lines, since the train rolled to a stop in front of the station. The train blocked a nearby intersection, and the train crossing warning bell loudly echoed off the nearby buildings.


After having spent too much time loafing on the platform, I got back in the car and then passed by this old building.


And since the backdoor was open, I decided to have a little peek inside. The roof and ceiling of the building had all rotten and collapsed, covering the floor with debris. But standing up against the wall in bright red was this old sign.


There was some trash left on the old sign, water bottles and tin cans of food. I'm guessing that maybe some people had been hanging out here (or trying to camp), although the building was silent and empty on this visit.




One interesting detail here was that the second floor and roof of the building were both gone.


But although the actual floor of the second floor is gone, this door still stands ajar above the debris-strewn ground below.



Wonder how long ago this furniture store was open?


Nearby is the old Crown Motel, which has closed and is now boarded up. In front of the building is the old swimming pool, filled in with dirt.



And every time I'm here, I always try to drive by the old Knox House. It was built back in 1885, and still looks elegant even if it is slowly falling apart. Apparently it isn't actually abandoned, someone still lives in the back part of the house that has been sectioned off from the front. There were cars parked in the carport, and a dog in the yard.


Later on I had to quickly stop and get a picture of this rusty blue car parked in front of an old house with peeling yellow paint. The car is probably a 1984 Oldsmobile Delta 88.


And a bit later I had to make another quick stop, at this old church that had some gorgeous old stained glass windows. I tried but wasn't able to find out anything about its history.



On the edge of town, there was this interesting old house.


And one last shot from Pine Bluff, from the Arkansas Railroad Museum. The museum is a large building that was constructed for the Cotton Belt railroad in 1894. Inside are many old historic trains, including a few steam trains. Loafing in the museum is probably allowed.


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Pine Bluff - Part 1

Pine Bluff was once one of the largest and most economically important cities in Arkansas. But economic changes have been particularly cruel to southeast Arkansas, especially in Pine Bluff. The population has steadily dropped over the last few decades, resulting in numerous abandoned homes and buildings across the city. The downtown area is particularly hard-hit. There are entire blocks of empty buildings, several of which have collapsed in recent years.

Pine Bluff has some amazing architecture still, including some buildings that were once some of the grandest places in the state. It’s always an interesting place to take pictures. I drove into the city and heard the mournful wail of a train horn, which meant that a freight train would soon be heading down the tracks that bisect downtown. There is an old train station in Pine Bluff, which was built in 1906. It was in operation until 1968, when rail passenger service stopped here. The station is now a museum (which is currently closed for renovations).

The tracks, of course, run right by the station. I got there in time to get the camera set up and take a few pictures as the train cars slowly and loudly creaked by. What is great about the station is that it is well-preserved, and still has some neat details from the olden days, like this sign that reads “No Loafing On Platform.”



Next to the station is the old Masonic Temple, which was built in 1904. It was the tallest building in the city when it was built, and it still towers over the other buildings and the train tracks.


When it was open it was the center of life in Pine Bluff. The ground floor held retail space and the upper floor had offices, including many doctors and dentists. Among the businesses that were housed here was the Unity Bank and Trust Company, which was the first Black owned bank in the state.



The Masonic Lodge sits on a block with a few other buildings, which sadly all look to be empty and abandoned.


I took a stroll around the back. Although the buildings are mostly empty now, there were plenty of little reminders that these buildings were once bustling places full of people.





I know these pictures make downtown look pretty forlorn, but the city is putting a lot of work into the area. Part of Main Street was blocked off for a new streetscape project. Some of the buildings have been renovated. There is a brand-new library just down the road, along with an aquatic center. One interesting thing about Pine Bluff is that it's almost like a time capsule. These buildings may be empty, but they are still standing (unlike many of the old buildings in downtown Little Rock, which were knocked down and replaced with parking lots). They are still a part of the history of this city, an important remnant of the past.


I crossed the train tracks and walked by the imposing Hotel Pines, which was once one of the grandest hotels in Arkansas.


The hotel opened in 1913, but would close in 1970 shortly after passenger rail service ended in Pine Bluff. The hotel sat empty and abandoned for several decades afterwards.


A few years ago, a local group purchased the building and did some work on it. The basement was drained of water, and debris was cleared out of the lobby. The plans were to renovate it into a nice boutique hotel.


But it seems like the pandemic messed up those plans, and it doesn't appear that there has been any recent work done on the building.


I was given permission to take pictures inside the old hotel, way back in 2018. I hope one day it can be restored and brought back to its former glory.


On the same block as the old hotel was this former store, boarded up and closed.


And nearby was this old storefront. The writing above the door reads "Our Goal...Always your Goodwill."


Across the street from the hotel is another old building, this one with a rusted neon sign for a clothing store. It's no longer there, but it once offered the Best Clothes In Town.


Near the sign was this ornate door, which was padlocked shut. Wonder what this used to be?


There weren't any trains nearby, so I crossed the tracks and got a quick shot. This is looking back towards the Masonic Temple and the train station.


I headed a few block up Main Street, and walked over to get this shot of a few ghost signs on the side of a building.


Nearby is another ghost sign for Coke, which apparently relieves fatigue.


At the end of Main Street is the Jefferson County Courthouse. It was built in 1858 and is one of the oldest courthouses in the state. It was almost destroyed by a fire in the 1970s, but the facade survived and a new courthouse was built around it.


There are a lot more interesting buildings in Pine Bluff. But this post is starting to get a bit long so we will finish that in another post. Stay tuned...