I ended up driving the bumpy dirt road that leads to Flatside Pinnacle, which was transformed into miles of slick mud by all the heavy rains that day. The car slid in a few spots, but managed to get by ok (other than getting completely covered in mud). There were also many stretches where the road disappeared in the thick fog.

Unsurprisingly, there weren't a lot of other people out driving there that day, for some reason.

I made the short hike up to the top of Flatside Pinnacle, which sits at an elevation of about 1,500 feet and was completely blanketed by fog.

Usually this is one of the best views in the state - where you can see miles and miles of wooded hills stretching off into the distance. This was the view the last time I was here:

The rocks along the top of the mountain were covered with a wide variety of mosses and lichen, which glowed a vibrant green against the dull browns of the foggy winter woods.

I started to head home since it was starting to get darker and foggier, but did try to get one last shot along the way (and somehow didn't manage to get stuck in the mud).