Sunday, July 14, 2024

Road Trip: Colorful Colorado

After Capulin Volcano, we headed north towards Colorado. But we didn't make it too far before I stopped to take a few pictures of this old abandoned house in New Mexico.


But we eventually made it into Colorado, who conveniently placed this sign along the road at a scenic overlook for people to take pictures.


Colorado is a beautiful state. We had started out the day driving through Oklahoma, so it was a drastic change of scenery.


We were in a hurry to get to our destination, but I couldn't help stopping here to get a few pictures. The mountain here is Blanca Peak, which is the fourth tallest mountain in the Rockies and the fourth tallest mountain in Colorado. It has an elevation of 14,351 feet.


We were right next to a cow pasture (you can see a bunch of cows in the foreground). If anyone reading this has been around cow pastures, you know that the ground is covered with lots of cow patties. And those cow patties attract a lot of flies. In my excitement to get pictures of the mountain, I left the car door sitting open, which was a grand invitation for all the flies to make a beeline for the inside of the car (much to my wife's displeasure).


We drove off with the windows down, hoping to evict all the flies that had flown in to join the road trip. Luckily we were just a few miles away from our next stop, which was the Great Sand Dunes. We were staying at a place right at the edge of the National Park, which provided a view of the dunes in one direction and a view of the mountains in the other. This is a view of Mount Zwischen, which towered over us and the nearby sand dunes.


After checking in and getting settled, we would head out to the Great Sand Dunes. It's a very photogenic place, and I got a bunch of pictures. More on that soon!

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