Friday, August 16, 2024

Road Trip: Dallas

Luckily we didn't need to head home just yet. My wife's family has a reunion every year, where assorted aunts and uncles and cousins all gather together. This time, the cousins in Dallas were hosting. So from Glenrio, we cut across Texas and headed to the metroplex. It was a bit of an adjustment after being in the mountains of Colorado (with its cool temperatures and low humidity). In Dallas, it was about 100 degrees.

But we were able to attend a game of my beloved FC Dallas while we were there. It was a good game, despite us sitting outside in the heat. Dallas played Portland and actually won(!), and since it was the 4th of July there was a fireworks show afterwards. And during the game, there was also a pretty nifty sunset over the stadium.


We then headed home, and concluded our long road trip. Total miles driven were exactly 2,707. It was a great trip. We passed through five states, visited three National Parks, and saw some amazing scenery. And there was no car trouble or flat tires! Now it's time to start planning the next road trip. Where should we go next?

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