Tuesday, June 11, 2024

New Camera!

I guess it's time for a little retirement party. I just got a new camera, which means my old Canon 6D can now take a rest. It's been a trusty and reliable camera, and has travelled with me to the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Bryce Canyon, and Zion. It's taken photos of dozens of waterfalls, and countless old abandoned buildings. But it was showing some definite wear and tear. And it was nine years old, which for digital cameras is ancient and geriatric.

So I ordered a new camera, and eagerly waited for it to be delivered. But somewhere between here and Memphis there was something that caused a mysterious delay. When I went to sign for it when it finally arrived, the FedEx driver handed me a crushed box covered with tape. "This is how I got it this morning," he said. "I hope it's not important." I opened the package and was dismayed to see the camera box inside was also smashed.


But thankfully the camera looked to be OK. The worst damage on the box was on one side, which was where the camera strap and battery were packed.


And it worked! The only issue is that the new camera is much fancier than my old one, and had lots of bells and whistles that I'm not used to. It took awhile to figure out the new settings.


I went out the next day for a few more shots in downtown Little Rock to see how it would do:




I also had my old infrared camera with me, so here's a quick picture with that one:




It was a relief that it's working, since I didn't want to have to fight FedEx to get it replaced or fixed. And we're going on a big road trip in a few weeks so it would be nice to have the new camera with us.


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