Thursday, July 16, 2020

A Little Rock Sunset

The other night it seemed like conditions were favorable for a nice sunset, so I grabbed the camera (luckily the battery was charged) and headed towards downtown. It was storming a little off in the distance when I arrived at the Junction Bridge, and the sky looked gray and leaden. At first it didn't look like there would end up being much of a sunset at all that night.


But then a hint of color appeared in the west, and then it spread wide across the sky above the downtown skyline. The low clouds were a bright mix of pastel pink and sherbet orange, which was reflected in the river below. But this only lasted for just a few minutes, and the color quickly faded away. In this shot, a barge is crossing underneath the Main Street Bridge, and there are some streaks of light from a speedboat heading downriver.


There were still a few storms hanging around, so I decided to wait to see if I could get any pictures of lightning. Of course, it's probably not the wisest thing to be standing on a metal bridge next to a metal tripod during a storm. But at least I managed to capture one shot of the lightning over downtown Little Rock.


On the way home, I drove through downtown and stopped at the old fountain by the Pulaski County Courthouse. In the background is the Robinson Center.


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