Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Buffalo Point

Our cabin wasn't too far away from the Buffalo River, and I was eager to take Jonah there for his first ever visit. If anyone actually reads this blog, you might see that I take quite a few pictures of the river. So I couldn't wait to take him there. But of course, while we were up in the Ozarks a tropical depression passed by, dumping a ton of rain. The river, of course, was flooded with brown and murky water as a result.

We headed down to Buffalo Point anyways, and had a picnic overlooking the river. Then we walked over to the river and let Jonah play around with the rocks along the shore (but not get too close to the water). From there we had a great view of Painted Bluff, which stands about 320 feet above the river. The bluff is actually made out of two different types of rock: the lower 70 foot-tall section is Everton limestone. The upper section, which is mostly hidden behind trees, is sandstone.



  1. I'm a faithful reader of your blog! I love your beautiful pictures of Arkansas!

  2. Thank you and thanks for reading!!!!!
