Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Old Mill

The Old Mill in North Little Rock is probably one of the most popular photo spots in the state, especially in the Spring when the azaleas and dogwoods are blooming.


I know it's one of those cliché places to take pictures now, but I've always been fond of The Old Mill. I grew up in North Little Rock, so I've made countless trips here over the years. My Grandparents used to own a house a few blocks away, and my cousin got married here.


I'm not the only one in my family who has taken pictures here. My Grandfather lived in Park Hill in the 1930s when The Old Mill was built, and he took his Kodak Six-16 Brownie camera there one day to take a few pictures (I'm guessing sometime around 1934). This was the shot he got, which has the mill and his truck in it.


I managed to inherit a few things from my Grandfather (most notably, I got his hair - cowlicks and massive widow's peak). But I'm also happy to have gotten his love of photography (along with my cousin Jon, who is an actual professional photographer). Before he passed away in 2007, my Grandfather gave me the old Brownie camera that he used to take this. That camera is one of my most prized possessions, and I always think of him and my Grandmother when I visit The Old Mill.

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