Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter Sunday

After visiting with the family on Easter Sunday, we decided to head on back to Little Rock. Since the light was favorable to pictures, I thought we could manage to sneak in a quick visit to a waterfall along the way home. I've studied the waterfall guidebook, so I knew there was actually a waterfall that was fairly close by. In fact it wouldn't be too far from the freeway and would be an easy hike. So I headed off, hoping the falls would be running well.

The waterfall is located in the Ozark National Forest, down a long series of bumpy and winding dirt roads. I headed down one road, and then another. Eventually I soon realized that I missed a turn somewhere, and had to turn around. I had a quarter of a tank of gas when I left civilization, but the fuel gauge was quickly dropping with an alarming speed. I got back to where I originally strayed from the main road, but the gas light had come on. Since I had the wife and a dog in the car, I decided it would probably be best to head back to town instead of risking running out of gas in the woods. Oh well, the waterfall will be there next time.

But even if the waterfall eluded me, I did find a few things to take pictures of. We passed this old truck, rusting away in the woods.


And also a barn too!



After getting a few pictures we headed into town and got a full tank of gas. We drove towards home, feasting on sugary Easter candy. I didn't mind missing out of the falls, since there are plans to head out tomorrow for another waterfall expedition to the Ozarks. I'll try not to get lost this time....

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