Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Capitol

On Saturday night, I headed to downtown Little Rock with the idea of taking a few pictures.  I ended up at the Arkansas State Capitol building, which was decked out in holiday lights.  I managed to miss the fireworks show at the capitol this year, since it conflicted with the 2012 MLS Cup. So instead I drove by and tried to find a different shot of the building.  I eventually set up the camera along Capitol Avenue, with the tripod awkwardly sticking out in the road.  I hoped to get a shot of the capitol with a few lines from the passing traffic....

1 comment:

  1. I really like this picture, but I already told you that on Flickr - LOL! I've seen other shots of the capitol, but you've captured it best. I got moved and I'm here now and loving it. Happy Holidays!
