Sunday, August 5, 2012

A new view

I got a call from Barry Hamilton last week, inviting me to tag along with him and take a few pictures.  Barry had secured access to the roof of a building in downtown Little Rock, which promised to provide some pretty views of the skyline and river.  The company that owns the building doesn't typically let people up on the roof, so it was a rare change to get a new view of the city.  There was one condition, we just couldn't say where the shots were taken if we did decide to show them off.

So we met up at the "undisclosed location" and were escorted up to the roof.  We were warned to not get close to the edge, since there isn't much of a ledge there.  I was keen to follow the warning, since I assumed I'd be more than likely to tumble over the edge.  But the views from the roof were great, and it finally provided a view that I've been searching for years to photograph.  I've been trying unsuccessfully to find a way to get both Union Station and the state capitol all in one shot.  And amazingly, here it was...


There was a nice sunset, which I didn't really get any good pictures of.  But I did manage to get a bit of the dying light of the sunset reflected in the glass of the Stephens Building.


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