Thursday, October 29, 2009

Along Hwy. 10

Last week, I took off early from work and drove out west in order to catch a high school football game. While not the most glamorous of plans for a Friday night, I was there to watch my cousin play. It was Senior Night after all, and I was obligated by the family to attend. My cousin's team (the Charleston Tigers) won the game, and my cousin even scored a touchdown. He made a big splash on the tv highlights, with only one station managing to pronounce his name incorrectly.

But I left work and decided to take the scenic route, heading off along Hwy. 10. It's a pleasant drive, passing by Lake Maumelle, Magazine Mountain and several small towns. And because its a much more direct route, it only takes 30 minutes more to drive then what it takes to drive up there on the freeway.

But anyways, as I was driving out there I noticed a nice old barn along the side of the road. I went to turn around at this dirt road, which ran over some railroad tracks.
And it turns out that I liked the shots of the place where I randomly went to turn around then I did of the barn that I wanted to stop at.

Further down the road, in a small town whose name I can't remember, there was this old gas station. It is a forgotten relic, much like the famous ones along Route 66.

Hwy. 10 eventually runs up just beneath Mount Magazine - the tallest mountain in Arkansas. One field sits in the shadow of the mountain, with some nice old barns surrounded by grazing cows.

The many cows there looked up from their eating and stared up at me, wondering perhaps what this strange human was doing. They quickly grew bored of watching me stand in the wind trying to take pictures, and went back to eating grass.

And as I write this tonight, it was pouring down rain. Some parts of Arkansas have gotten over three inches of rain today, so surely waterfalls will be jumping this weekend. I'm trying to decide which ones to visit right now....

1 comment:

  1. That gas station is in Casa. Was the Volkswagen still there? I got a shot of it in the Spring.
