Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Eve

It was cold on New Year's Eve, about 36 degrees out, when I went out to try to get a shot of the last sunset of the year. I decided to hit the Junction Bridge again, and hoped that the cold air might keep the crazy people at home. Luckily there were all being crazy somewhere else, in fact only one person talked to me while out on the bridge, and he just asked if I had any cigarettes.

So here it is, the last sunset of 2008:
New Year's Eve


Venus was hanging around near the moon, so I tried to get a few shots of it with the skyline. Here is another view of the skyline, while also looking back down the Junction Bridge:
Junction Bridge

And one last shot from the bridge and of the year, looking back through the bridge towards downtown:
New Year's Eve


  1. Great shots. Looks like we shot the same moon. I was out from 1:30 to 3:30am taking some long exposures.
    I will be posting them in the coming days.

  2. Happy New Year, Cuz! Good to talk to you over the holidays! I can't say I shared the same moon with you and Rob as I was shithoused with my wife and friend around the firepit (and safely off the road). 2009 will hopefully bring you a good 365 days, and hopefully a chance for us to see each other on a photo safari!

  3. Thanks Rob! The moon was a nice surprise to find out there.

    Jon - Hope you had a good New Year too, cuz! The photo safari is a great idea, maybe you can get some fall color shots too. I can always bring some leaves along with me if it's needed.
