Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Little Rock

I was just 15 miles or so south of downtown Little Rock when I left Lorance Creek, and I decided to head up there for some pictures. Most of the pictures I've taken in the past few months have all been of trees and waterfalls, so some pictures of buildings would be a nice change of pace. My first stop was MacArthur Park.

That white dot in between the tree and the tower is actually the moon. Some history on this place, if you're interested. It was built in 1840, and is one of the oldest buildings in Little Rock (which was incorporated in 1831). It was built to be the arsenal for the city, and was the place where World War II general Douglas MacArthur was born in 1880.

My next stop was the Old State House, but I was disappointed to see that the trees there didn't have any fall color. The trees on the lawn are magnolias, which don't change color in the fall (I think). So instead I pointed the camera up and at the Stephens Building, which did have some trees around it with some color.

Just a block away is one of my favorite buildings downtown, the Pulaski County Courthouse.

Construction on the courthouse was completed in 1889. I like the architecture, it's interesting both in and out. I've only been inside of it once, when I went to early vote before the 2000 election (memorable because I managed to lock my keys in the car right outside of the building).

When I was out there with the camera pointed up at the building, I heard someone behind me say "see, other people are out taking pictures!" I turned around to see another photographer, clearly dragging along her significant other (who didn't seem to want to be out taking pictures that day). She walked by and gave a look that said "I know.."

Just a block to the west is another old building, built in 1881 as a post office and federal courthouse.

The Stephens Building poking over it adds a nice contrast in architecture styles. I tried to get a few more shots downtown, but the light was fading fast. So for now, this concludes your tour of downtown Little Rock...

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