Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Ah, finally it is election day. Even though Arkansas has early voting, I haven't voted yet. I did try last weekend, and went by the main early voting place downtown. The line stretched out the door and snaked along the sidewalk for half a block. I next tried the main library in North Little Rock. I was happy to note that there wasn't a line out the door. But the line just curled and twisted around inside the library instead. I sat in line for about 20 minutes and gave up, opting to go take some fall color pictures instead. I'll try to vote after work, hopefully the line won't be too long.

When I was up in the Ozarks a few weeks ago I did see this yard sign for a local politician.
Election Day

I don't think I'd vote for him, since Tom Riddle grows up to be Lord Voldermort.

While we have no Tom Riddles here, there are a few cool names on our ballot. Residents in Pulaski County can vote to re-elect sheriff Doc Holladay, who apparently came to Little Rock after leaving the OK Corral. And a sign by my parent's house in NLR was for alderman Tom Jones - which is not unusual, I guess...


  1. Maybe had somebody given him the vote, he wouldn't turn out to be such a douche later in life. I haven't read Harry Potter surprisingly, but I trust your judgement, and love the word douche.

  2. Ha, it would have been better if he was running against someone with the last name of Dumbledore.
