Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Steele Creek

It was getting late in the day as we drove out of Boxley Valley. There were already cars parked along the side of the road, where people were setting up to catch a glimpse of the elk. We did see one elk grazing in a field far from the road. But we continued on towards our next destination, Steele Creek.

This is a great place along the Buffalo River, a camping area with access to some of the most spectacular bluffs along the river. As we drove down into the valley, the sun was pouring in and bathing the bluffs with light. The reflection in the river was awesome.
Buffalo River

Buffalo River

A deer set out and crossed the river across the above view. This was surprising because it was heading towards a lot of people standing along the river. I tried my best to get a shot, but they were all a bit blurry. But it was a cool site to see.

Steele Creek flows into the Buffalo River here, but it was running low enough that you could just jump over it to reach the other side. It is easy to walk along the riverbank, and looking back provided more great views...
Buffalo River

A small set of rapids sit where the river bends, and it was hard to not keep taking pictures out there. In fact it was difficult to find a place to point the camera since it was quite scenic all around us.

Buffalo River

Buffalo River

I would have happily sat there for the rest of the day, but it was time to move on. But not before snapping just a few more shots while the light was good...
Buffalo River

This ended our day out at the Buffalo. From there we headed up to Harrison for dinner. But on my way back home the next day I had time for one more stop along the Buffalo River...


  1. Brian, I swear I have been to this place. I floated down the Buffalo several years ago and it is beautiful. Great photos. I really like the 3rd one from the bottom. The reflection is killer.


  2. Rob - that's awesome that you floated the River. I was really sad that I didn't get a chance to float it this year...
