Sunday, April 21, 2024


It went from either a drizzle to a light rain as I drove downtown for a few pictures. I first went to North Little Rock, and walked out onto the long ramp that connects the new Broadway Bridge to Riverfront Park. I set up the tripod and used an umbrella to shield the camera, and got this panoramic view of the Arkansas River and the Little Rock skyline. There were even a few geese sitting on the grass in the park - I wonder if any of them know Sir Goosealot!


I headed across the river, and ended up climbing the steps of a parking deck along Main Street. It provided this view, which includes an office building in the foreground that is home to a state agency. It was night, and the building was empty, but all the lights were on and running. Our state tax dollars at work, I guess...


And on the other side of the parking deck was this view. Here you can see the First Presbyterian Church, which was built in 1921.


I headed down Main Street to another parking deck, which was mostly empty on this rainy night. But the deck had a nice view of the intersection of Main and Third Streets. A storm was moving through, and I hoped to get some lightning pictures from here. I didn't have any luck with the lightning, since it was more to the north. Oh well.

But I wasn't as diligent with protecting the camera from the rain, and some moisture managed to sneak in. My camera is now considered to be geriatric by current technology standards, and it starts to act wonky when it gets water in it like this. But I was able to get this shot before calling it a night and heading home to go put the camera in a bag of rice (which worked! Happy to report that the camera is back to normal now).


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