Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Stuttgart, one of the two county-seats of Arkansas County, is an interesting town. It's an old place, established back in the 1880s. It's also a town known for two things: duck hunting and rice. Rice was first planted around Stuttgart in 1902, and now the town is home to the largest rice producer in the world.

Riceland Foods facilities dominate the town - a massive complex sits just off of Main Street. There are numerous silos that tower over the flat Delta lands surrounding the town, creating a skyline that resembles that of a larger city. This one old silo sits just a few blocks from Main Street in the middle of a residential neighborhood. The silo doesn't appear to be used anymore, no doubt replaced with newer and fancier silos elsewhere in town.


I haven't found any info about this silo, but it seems like it's been here for awhile.



On the southern part of Stuttgart is the Rice Capital Inc. rice mill, which is one of the oldest in the city. A few years back part of the building collapsed and sparked a fire, but luckily no one was hurt. When I drove by, there were some people out doing work on part of this structure, so maybe it can be preserved?



Fortunately the people out there working didn't seem to mind anyone stopping by for a few pictures...


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