Thursday, August 6, 2015

War Eagle

While in Fayetteville for my brother's wedding (congrats Ben and Casey!), I wanted to go and visit the War Eagle Mill. It's a landmark of Northwest Arkansas, and I haven't ever taken any pictures there. So early one morning, before sunrise, I left Fayetteville and drove up to the mill (luckily it isn't very far from Fayetteville!). The first mill along War Eagle Creek was built in 1832, but has been destroyed a few times over the years. The first mill was knocked out by a flood, and the second one was burned by Confederate troops during the Civil War. The third mill burned in 1924. In 1973, the current mill was built on the site, using the same blueprints from the older version. The old bridge here was built in 1907.


On the way back to Fayetteville, I passed by this overlook. The sun was rising over a blanket of low fog that was clinging to the valley below.


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