Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Snow at Petit Jean

I was a bit worried that the snow would begin to stick on the roads up at Petit Jean. The road off the mountain is steep and curvy, which probably wouldn't be a good combination with snow or ice. As much as I love Petit Jean Mountain, I didn't want to get stuck up there for the night.

While the snow was sticking to the ground, it wasn't sticking to the roads. Probably because the asphalt still had some heat in it from the other day when it was 70 degrees outside. I was in a hurry to get home, but did make a quick stop at a waterfall located just off the side of the road. This waterfall tumbles down from the stone dam that forms Lake Bailey, and there was a nice amount of snow on the ground.
Lake Bailey Falls

The snow was still falling at a brisk pace...
Petit Jean in the snow

And one last shot, of the lakeshore covered with a thin layer of snow:
Lake Bailey


  1. Very nice-the desaturated look of the first shot perfectly complements the cold feeling of the environment.

  2. Thanks - and it was really cold our there too!
