Monday, June 16, 2008

Junction Bridge, again

Meant to post this a few days ago, but had some wacky computer problems over the weekend. This isn't as thought-out as I'd like it to be, no creative or fancy commentary on this post (is there ever?). This was done in a hurry, sorry!

Well after getting soaked trying to take pictures of the Junction Bridge in the rain, I headed back out the next night. The weather was a tad bit nicer this time around, sunny and warm. I got out to the bridge with enough time to have a look around, then waited for it to get dark. The bridge provides some nifty views of the river and skyline. While I was waiting for sunset a barge came by, slowly making its way upriver.
Barging in

The sunset was ok, but it left some sweet color in the sky. Here is a view of the skyline along with some of the bridge:
Dusk from the Junction Bridge

And it's probably hard to see on this small version (need to figure out how to change the settings so the pictures can be bigger), but this is the moon through the ironwork on the bridge:

Here's a view of the bridge itself, looking south into Little Rock.
Junction Bridge

And another view, looking north to North Little Rock...

The bridge is a great place to get some shots of the humble Little Rock skyline. There is a streak in this shot from a plane flying by.
Little Rock

While there was still some light left in the sky, I rushed to get a few shots of the bridge from the shore. The area on the Little Rock side is still a mess, since there is still some construction stuff in the way. But I managed to find a few places to set up the tripod...
Junction Bridge

Junction Bridge

And finally, just one more view. With gas prices being what they are, I'll probably get stuck taking pictures closer to home, so there will probably be many more shots of this bridge in the next few months...
Junction Bridge


  1. Really well done shots where you incorporated the bridge support and railing...perfect time of day & composition. Dammit, you dun good, son!

  2. Thanks Jon, this time I was rewarded with some good color in the sky...
